Some are internal- I read a very on point article earlier this week about how difficult it is for women to hear criticism and how important to develop a thicker skin. Hear that.
And some are external - glass ceilings, the undying old boys' clubs models, and the issue of poor maternity policies. I've been exceedingly fortunate to have had incredible employers who have given me space on that latter and most fundamental of external pressures.
But in many ways, I count my blessings to be a woman in New York in this day and age. Beyond the timeless extraordinary physical capabilities of womanhood, we are living in a time when societal norms are making it easier and better than it has ever been.
Here are some key aspects that go way beyond the basics- safety, freedom to choose motherhood or marriage, basic healthcare...
-- Men are positively encouraged to be supportive not only financially, but with time, child care, house work, cooking, even emotions.
-- Employers are trying to include women in higher positions and cannot legally discriminate. Awareness of inequalities doesn't always fix them, but it helps. Flex time in all of its iterations is a basis for many conversations.
-- A societal consensus has emerged on the capabilities of women and the desire ability of including them in all arenas.
-- There is full acceptance of women's choices to work and make money or to stay at home. This used to be doctrinaire one way or the other- but I have the sense that women who make different choices are coexisting more than ever and more accepted. You'll always find pockets of resentment, but in general- both women working and women who are at home (actually not usually) are prized.
-- and not to be missed... Those pointy toed high heels are finally out.
I've benefitted a lot from all of these and I'm grateful.
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