Sunday, May 4, 2014

Why be grateful?

Why be grateful?

There's also a lot to be frustrated about, upset, even heartbroken.

Being grateful is a way of remembering all that we have nevertheless.

It's a good way to put the little things in perspective and try to get the bigger things in view.

But I don't want my Grateful blog to signify complacency either. In fact, could being grateful actually straighten our backs when things threaten those core "right" things?

I read an interesting movie review by Bilge Ebiri, a former classmate, in which he speaks about the social/political nihilism of our time. It's the phenomenon of not really thinking anything matters that much, or having given up on all. I see very few movies, but even I have recognized the theme of self-loathing and it's clearly one that resonates with our time. 

I think this blog is about trying to stand firmly FOR something.


Here's a try, based on seeing the relations between themes I've chosen so far. (But I'd like help on articulating this.)

The desire for a stronger connection to the goods we enjoy (heat, water... ) - because appreciation heightens pleasure. It's a stance against being spoiled!

An interest in deeper human interactions (dance, games, no agenda conversations) to more fully connect us. A stance against commodification of relationships! 

An appreciation for real gains that our society has made (men cooking, unhindered voting, our physical security) and a vote for values of Enlightenment and democracy.

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