Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dads who cook

It was sweet when it was just the two of us, now that we have kids, it's lifesaving:  Men who cook.

Preparing food and eating is such a major part of life- timewise and for the share of mental space it takes.

I like cooking sometimes, I manage to do it often, but there are times- many- when I just can't. Takeout is one answer, but it's nice, and healthy, to have another. 

When I can't stand the taste of my own food anymore, "dad's" food, enjoyed at home, beats the best chefs in my book.

I'm so appreciative that my husband learned how to cook and that he chooses to do so. And while I give him lots of credit for doing so, I'm grateful that we live in a society where, if it's not quite normative to have a man cooking regularly, it is at very least totally acceptable and often appreciated as something positive.

We went to a Seder at dear friend's house where the husband also shares in the cooking, and sometimes does the lion's share. I want to bet that every woman, every person whose partner is a man who cooks- shares my gratitude.

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