Monday, March 17, 2014


There are lots of problems with the United States system of voting and they've been increasing in recent years. Still when I look at what is happening during these days I have to say how grateful I am that voting is nonmilitary.

That seems like a ridiculous thing to say.

The fact is that rank corruption and intimidation during elections happen regularly. It's outrageous, but it is rarely met with the outrage it deserves.


Because there is so much going on we don't have time to be outraged? Because we can't do anything about it anyway? Because our belief in the purity of our system is compromised, and we don't want to stand in a glass house throwing stones?

All true, and yet if we don't nurture the ideal, things can only get worse. More outrageous.

And if we don't stop and realize how fragile the gains of our democracy are and how quickly things can turn, we are taking them for granted.

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